Rubriik: Web Design

How To Crop And Resize Images In WordPress

I just noticed lots of people visit this blog for wordpress related keywords, so I really thought I would do some couple of wordpress tutorials today which most people would want to know at some point after using wordpress for a while.

One of the things which people might want to know is how to crop and resize images in WordPress.

How To Crop and Resize
Images in WordPress?

Many people like me feel lazy to get the pics up in photoshop or any image editing software to do the job, because it takes your time away in achieving something as simple as resizing and cropping images, I don’t like to waste my 5 or 10 mins on a simple task such as that. So here is how you can crop and re-size images right from your blog admin panel.

Step 1

Click on the little square media button at the top of your toolbar to insert image.

Step 2

Then you can select and upload the picture you want from your computer. Once the uploading is finished you will see a edit image button by the side of the image.

Step 3

Once you click on edit image, you will be taken to a place where you can scale and crop your image.

Step 4

To scale the Image click on scale image option.

Step 5

Then you can enter the pixels value to suit your content area and your needs, aspect ratio will be maintained automatically meaning, when you enter then height aspect, width aspect will be automatically changed to give you the best result. However if you increase the size of the image from its original, it will however give you a fuzzy result.

Step 6

To crop Image just click on the spot from where you want to crop the image and drag it, also you can adjust the cropping area accordingly using your mouse.

Once you have cropped the image click save and you can embed it where you want to in the post using insert option.

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