10 Tips to keep in mind while Selecting Web Hosting provider
Hosting is changing in recent years. Gone are the days when you pay $ 100 per month, had just a host for your website on the Internet. Today there are hundreds of options when it comes to web hosting. How to choose the right one for you? Some of them may depend on what type of site, designed. I would like to host a single Web page brochure, or need a lot of bandwidth all the photos and videos.
Some key features
Knowing the answers for these questions is the first task. However, there are some key features that are any good host and we should discuss now.
1. A reasonable price. -
If you have the special needs, you should not reimburse more than $ ten – $ 15 for a reliable hosting with all features. You can often save money by paying cheap for a whole year in advance, but in a few case, there are many webs hosting solutions.
2. An interface cPanel -
CPanel hosts the best deals online, a group on the web-based; you can manage your domain through a web interface. Is a standard configuration and management of websites, including the possible establishment of e-mail, database management, file management, FTP, and installation script? CPanel with Fantastic is usually a very simple configuration of the platform, Word Press Blog, forums and more.
3. Reliability to 100%. –
The guarantee must be in the apartment, availability of 99.9 to 100%. This means you can count on your site in almost all the time, and you have access to cPanel, and you have your e-mail. Be able to ensure reliability in general, require that the host has a capacity for backup server. If you are unsure, ask before.
4. Access to wealthy clients. -
You have 24 hours support, whether on the Web, telephone, or both.
5. Multiple Domain Hosting -.
If you wish for to run more than one website, you do not pay separately for each site. Now that you pay separately for the domain, but not its host multiple domains host costs. Some even offer unlimited domains.
6. The vast amounts of storage space and bandwidth based -
you need to plan the future growth of your site, both in terms of size and traffic and traces, and not a page that will punishes the growth, at least not for long.
7. Maximum number of POP3 e-mail accounts –
Unlimited email accounts is the best. This gives you the flexibility, unique e-mail for different functions on your site.
8. Access to records and statistics -
you want to evaluate your site’s performance over time, once it starts.
9. The ability to manage FTP files or online help -
You can download many files quickly.
10. A kind of backup plan
for their housing needs, so the backup files, database server configuration. I hope it all.
Be prepared to pay for quality
We must therefore wait at a summary of the above-mentioned features of the best hosting companies. And using a web-hosting is free, but the old adage “you get what you pay for” has never been adapted for the accommodation, especially if you want to host a business website. Be prepared to pay for quality, reliability and several functions.