Tips to get traffic from FB using Facebook EdgeRank Algorithm
Every blogger wants tons of traffic for their blog and ‘Facebook’ is a great source to get thousands of visitors to your blog.
Tradition methods
to get traffic from Facebook
I am not going to tell you the traditional methods to get traffic from Facebook e.g.
- Create Fan page and share your link there.
- Join Different Groups and share your links.
- Share links on your wall.
Tips to
Increase Traffic From Facebook
I’ll share Secret Tips
I’ll tell one secret that will help you to get maximum traffic to your blog using above methods or in other words I’ll tell you how to optimize above methods to get maximum benefit from it.
How does Facebook work from user point of view?
All of you know that whenever you share a link into any Group or Facebook Fan page then this link appears on the wall of members who have joined the same group or liked your FB Fan page.
If you have closely observed your News Feed (messages on your wall e.g. A has share an images, B has changes his profile etc.) then you have noticed that you are not getting updates from all your friends. You are getting updates only from few specific friends or groups.
How Facebook decides which updates to show you and which not?
Here comes the concept of EdgeRank
EdgeRank is Facebook’s algorithm that is used by Facebook to determine what should appear in their users’ news feeds (or Wall).
Facebook use EdgeRank to make following decisions:
- Important Connection- Which connection (Friends, Group, page etc.) is most important for you (their content appear more frequently).
- Content Preference- Which type of content you prefer more than others
Why you should know about EdgeRank?
As I have explained above that Google shows the updates according to your connection value and content preference so it might be possible that you are sharing a link to a group which is having 4000 members in a hope that all member will see your link and visit your blog; but in reality it is not happening like this. Your link is appearing only to few people who are having strong connection with you.
Now by knowing about EdgeRank algorithm you can improve your connections and bonding with your friends and fellow bloggers so that more and more people see your link on their wall and you will get more and more visitors.
What is Edge in respect of Facebook?
‘Everything’ in the world of Facebook in an ‘Edge’ e.g. status message, likes, sharing, uploaded photo or any activity that you do on facebook, is an ‘Edge’ and ‘EdgeRank’ algorithm help to facebook to decide the order of these ‘Edge’ on your wall.
Let’s discuss EdgeRank Algorithm Factors
As all you knows that Google has its search algorithm and backlink, PR, Social Signal are factors that decide your ranking in SERP similarly ‘EdgeRank Algorithm’ have its own factors that affects your ‘Edge’ ranking. These factors are
- 1. Affinity
- 2. Weight
- 3. Time Decay
Affinity- Affinity is a measurement of, ‘how frequently you are interacting with one of your friend’. If you interacting very frequently then chances are higher that your link (Edge) will appear on top in your friend’s news feed.
Weight- It defines the preference of content type that need to be appear in ones news feed. For example if you like photos more (means you clicked like button on photos, you share photos etc.) then chances of appearing a photo updates from your friend in your feed are high than other object.
Most of the people on Facebook like ‘photos’ that’s photos have highest weight in most member’s profile.
Its been suggested by different internet marketer’s as well that if you add a tempting photo with your link then chances are high to get clicked on your link.
Time Decay- This is simple, recent posts/links/videos have high probability to be appear in news feed then older one.
What you can do to improve EdgeRank?
Now you know the above factor, you know the basic of ‘EdgeRank Algorithm’ so now what you can do so that more and more people will get your shared link/photos in their news feed.
Interact more – Interact more and more with your fans and friends to improve affinity between you and your follower.
Participate in Discussion Threads- Participate in discussion threads (Discussion on your Status, discussion on your shared photos etc.).
Ask Your Friends and fans to like/Share your link.
Try to understand what your Friends like – Try to find out what your friends like more, Photos, Videos or Link and then share your content in the same content format to get maximum out of it.
I have done my bit of piece and now its your turn. If you think my article is really informative then share it with your friends and fellow bloggers so that they can also get advantage from it.
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EdgeRankist viimast?
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