Google is re-writing your page title tags
Google is re-writing our Title Tags.
I was reading a discussion thread in a webmaster forum, in the thread many people reported that ‘Title Tags’ in SERP for their sites are different from what it should be. Google is re-writing ‘Title’ of our page wherever it is longer than 60 characters.
Why Google re-writing
page title tags?
First question came in my mind what is the reason behind this ‘Title Tag’ re-writing process.
Google mentioned in its early updates that they will re-write Titles for those pages which has Title longer than 60 characters but my home page has a ‘Title Tag’ shorter than 60 characters.
One of the forum members mentioned that
- The title rewrite algorithm is specific to the search term.
- The goal is to increase clicks. How well they achieve that goal is an open question.
First point suggesting that Google re-writes your Title tag according to the search term entered by the user so that pages can get much better ranking and user can get much better results. Second point confirms my explanation for point one J
One of the members mentioned that, Google is doing this because they don’t want to rely on anything from the webmaster – Title, Description, Links, Anchor and Text etc.
Many of SEO Consultants and SEO professionals found it another Google step against SEO.
How Google decides
what should be your new page title?
Although there is no clear cut explanation about it but different webmasters have share different points based on their experience.
- Google use your most used keyword while re-writing your Title Tag.
- Google use anchor text from your internal links to that page to re-write your Title tag.
One of the members mentioned that, “Google is using their domain company Name from ‘whois’ details while generating their Title Tags”.
I know it sounds weird but big G can do anything.